Kikoh Matsuura

'life beside you'

Date : 2018.5.21 (mon) ~ 6.3 (sun)
Hours : 12:00 ~ 19:00
Venue : RED Photo Gallery
Address : 東京都新宿区新宿1-2-11 近代ビル2F
Entrance Fee : 入場無料


Date : 6.3(sun)
Hours : 17:00 ~ 17:30
写真と音楽の共鳴、幾重にも声を重ね空間を彩るTomoya Matsuuraによるライブパフォーマンス。

| 概要  
今回の展示では、ミクロ世界の命巡る自然の姿を撮影した作品集 'Withered Plant'を展開している。

This exhibition, “Withered Plant,” features a photographic series capturing nature with its cycle of life, in the microscopic world.
Although all life comes to an end, the end is at the same time a beginning of the transition into something new. Small plants that exist by our side and we hardly take notice of also contain within themselves the majestic nature, and revolve their life force just the same. They are filled with a variety of expressions and dynamism that cannot be seen with the naked eye, and allow you to sense the mystery of the formation of life.
*Scanning electron microscope used for the creation of this series enables photography at a much higher resolution compared to devices such as optical microscopes, and captures the extremely intricate structures of a withered plant that is only a few millimeters in size.